Manu Bhaker, the celebrated shooting star, recently met cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar and proudly displayed her two bronze medals from the Paris Olympics. Bhaker expressed her deep admiration for Tendulkar, saying his career has inspired her greatly. At the Paris Games in 2023, she made history by becoming the first female Indian shooter to win an Olympic medal and later secured another medal in the mixed team event with Sarabjot Singh.
Photos and Appreciation
In a heartfelt post on X (formerly Twitter), Manu Bhaker shared photos of her meeting with cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, expressing her gratitude for the unforgettable experience. She thanked him for being a source of motivation and inspiration. Bhaker was accompanied by her parents during this special moment, and Sachin’s wife, Anjali Tendulkar, was also present in the pictures.
Achievements at the Paris Olympics
During the Paris Olympics held from July to August 2024, Manu Bhaker made remarkable achievements:
- First Female Indian Shooter to Win an Olympic Medal: She won the bronze medal in the women’s 10m air pistol event.
- First Indian to Win Two Medals at the Same Olympics: Bhaker, along with Sarabjot Singh, won the bronze in the air pistol mixed team event, setting a new record.
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