In a heartbreaking turn of events, Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat has been disqualified from the Paris Olympics 2024. The disqualification occurred when she was found to be slightly over the 50kg weight limit on the morning of her gold medal match. This unexpected development has not only dashed her hopes for a medal but has also sparked widespread discussion among sports enthusiasts and experts. We delve into the details of this incident and its implications for Vinesh Phogat’s career and the wrestling community.
IOA’s Statement
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) announced, “Despite the team’s best efforts, Vinesh was a few grams over the 50kg limit this morning. We ask for respect for her privacy.”
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Weight Challenges
Phogat, who was only about 100 grams over the limit, couldn’t compete even for a silver medal. According to the rules, wrestlers must stay within their weight category on both competition days.
Overnight Efforts
After being nearly 2 kilos overweight the night before, Vinesh tried everything from jogging to skipping, without sleep, to make weight. Unfortunately, her efforts weren’t enough. She was also taken to the medical center due to dehydration.
Previous Struggles
This isn’t the first time Vinesh faced weight issues in the 50kg category, having struggled during the Olympic qualifiers as well.
Road to the Final
Despite her weight issues, Vinesh became the first Indian woman wrestler to reach an Olympic final, defeating top competitors like Japan’s Yui Susaki. She was set to face Sarah Hildebrandt in the final, against whom she has a favorable record.
With Vinesh disqualified, Sarah Hildebrandt will be awarded the gold medal, and Vinesh will return home empty-handed.