An old video of Yuvraj Singh has become popular online. In it, Yuvraj talks about his father’s, Yograj Singh’s, mental health issues. This comes after Yograj’s recent harsh comments about cricket stars MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev.
Yograj’s Criticisms
Yograj Singh has publicly criticized MS Dhoni, accusing him of ruining Yuvraj’s career and claiming he can’t forgive Dhoni for it. Yograj believes Yuvraj could have played cricket for several more years if Dhoni had supported him. He expressed his anger on Zee Switch’s YouTube channel, saying, “I won’t forgive MS Dhoni. He should look at himself in the mirror. He’s a great cricketer, but what he did to my son can never be forgiven. Dhoni has destroyed my son’s career.”
Yograj also criticized Kapil Dev, claiming he promised Kapil that Yuvraj would achieve more success than him. Yograj and Kapil Dev have had a strained relationship. Yograj has previously blamed Kapil for his own exclusion from the Indian team.
Yuvraj’s Response
In response to his father’s comments, Yuvraj Singh appeared on Ranveer Allahbdia’s podcast last November, saying that he believes his father has mental health issues that he refuses to acknowledge. Yuvraj stated, “I feel my father has a mental issue, and he just doesn’t want to accept it. This is something he needs to address, but he doesn’t accept it.“